Chairman’s message


Chairman U Myint Naing

“Mingalarbar, Greetings to you all”

Since the establishment of “MCTA”, we have successfully completed a long journey of 15 years through various difficulties. In 2005, MCTA (Mandalay Chan Thar Aspiration), the first International quality education provider in Mandalay, was set up to impart education in Chinese, Myanmar and English language, certified by the Myanmar Ministry of Education. MCTA’s founder, Chairman U Sein Myint, was committed to educating the young generation in Myanmar to achieve international standard education affordable in the country without having to go abroad. MCTA has successfully established itself as an institution where its high school graduates are qualified to study at various international universities in England, US, Singapore, China, etc. It has also made it possible for students to continue learning through VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) even amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic in the Academic Year 2020-2021 to avoid delays in their education.

The fame and success of our school is due to the hard work of the students, parents, teachers and staff and we will continue to work hard to ensure the long-term success of the school. Special thanks to each and every students’ parents. MCTA is always ready to welcome warmly all our future new students.